Thursday, February 19, 2009

Josh learning Construction Management

This weekend our cousin Tyler had a friend (Matt) who had to teach someone to build a house for his construction management class. Matt could only explain things but could not touch anything himself. If he could get somebody 8 or under to do it, he could receive 10% extra credit. So Tyler called Josh to build this house for Matt. Josh had so much fun and loved doing it! We were happy to hear that Matt got an A on his project.
Tyler, Josh, Halle & Matt
Funny Story: Tyler told me that while making the house, Josh told Matt that he wanted to put spartans (yes, like gladiators) on the roof. Matt asked him why he would want spartons on the roof and Josh looked at him and said, "why WOULDN'T you want spartans on the roof." I suppose he KNOWS that everyone secretly wishes they had spartans on their roofs.

1 comment:

  1. How fun is that!! So glad I just found your blog!! Your kids are so cute! We're excited to hear you're coming out for the US Open again this year!!
