Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Girls Week & Morp

The girls kidnapped the boys and started the day off with a disco breakfast at our house at 4:30 am. We had tie-dye and smiley face pancakes! (Notice the John Travolta pinata). We decorated the house and had disco music playing. I am always turning down the kids music but at breakfast they kept turning it down and I would be over there blaring it! There is nothing that will ever beat the 70's and disco, except maybe the 80's!
The only picture I have so far of Tara and her date Lincoln. You can't quite see the peace material and go-go boots.

Tara and some of her friends during Girls Week! The boys had t-shirts that said "We are God's among Women," for boy's week, so the girls answered with these t-shirts that said, "You may be God's, but we are your weakness." It had a picture of Hercules with Meg on it!

Savage Day!

Doing something, but not quite sure what!

Gangsta Day!

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