Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday Jordan!

I didn't mean to start with this picture but somehow it ended up here, I just wanted to wish Jordan a happy 21st birthday and let her know how proud we are of her and how much we all love her! The boys on Brad's tennis team always tell me and Jordan that we are like the same person and say the same things and even think the same things. I am always proud to be connected to her in anyway!

Here is Jordan a couple of days after she was born. Being our first baby and the first grandchild on both sides of the family, it was months before she was put down or didn't have a crowd around watching every grimace or diaper change!

Here is Jordan on her 2nd Birthday!

I had to put in this picture, not because it was the greatest picture I had of Jordan, but because it reminded me that I have gotten old enough to have a 21 year old daughter.

Here is one of my all time favorite pictures of Brady, Steph, Tara & Jordan. If Brady hadn't died they would have all been in high school for one year together (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade).

Jordan & Tara! One thing I really love about Jordan is that she has always taken her role as the oldest cousin and sister seriously. She has been such a good example to her little brothers and sisters and has really loved them and taken care of them all!

Grandpa & Jordan, there are certain perks to being the first grandchild. My younger kids will probably never see an igloo unless they go to Alaska!

Had to put in this picture because it is probably the only picture in existence of Jordan cooking. I know this because this is probably the only time she has ever cooked something!

Steph & Jordan before homecoming.

I was sad thinking that my little girl was growing up and then saw these pictures and realized she will never really grow UP! Sorry Jordan, I couldn't help myself with that one!

Since Jordan has been in college her birthday has always been in the middle of finals. Of course she has a final today at 4 pm, so here we are celebrating at 7 am, as she is walking out the door to the library!

Happy Birthday Jordan, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. We love you Jordan! Happy Birthday! I want to know how much crying went on while typing this post, you got me all choked up!
