Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where in the World is Tara Going?

Tara officially sent in her missionary papers this past Wednesday. In our front entry hall we have set up some maps and anyone who comes to the house (UPS man/wrong address/neighbors/salesmen) have to make a guess as to where she is going. If you can't make it by the house just send me a message of where you think she will go and we will put a flag up for you!

A USA Map!

A World Map!

We have Great prizes for the winners! We have stationary to write Tara letters on, colorful pens to write her colorful letters, birthday, Halloween, & Christmas cards to send her when she is gone. As well as the Grand Prize of......books of stamps to use to send her letters!


  1. I think she is going to Italy!!! Just don't take a cruise ship to get there:)!!!! Tara, we love you and are so proud of you!!

  2. Rome, Italy is my guess. Can't wait to hear! You guys are all missionary with your last post being Jordan coming home! Way to go!

  3. WHAT!!??!!!!! ITALY!!! What a gorgeous place to serve! How cool is that?!!! WOW!!! That is SO exciting!!! I'm so proud of Tara... and pretty proud of myself for guessing where she is going to serve for the next 18 months!! WIsh I could have been there tonight! Give Tara a hug for me!!! We love you all!!!

    1. Deb,
      I owe you a prize!!!! And Kimber guessed right too. Tara is thrilled. We are sorry you weren't here, but it was great to have your girls.
