Thursday, May 7, 2009

Josh's First Pinewood Derby

Josh just had his first pinewood derby. Here he is with grandpa getting the car ready for the finals. Grandpa couldn't sleep the night before the derby because he was up researching last minute ideas to make Josh's car faster. I got a wake up call early in the morning telling me that Brad and Josh needed to get to his house ASAP to do some last minute touch ups on the car. So thanks, Granpa, for helping Josh make a great car!
Here are the final four!
Josh took 4th place. My competitive side came out when I walked in and saw 2 other wards had come to race against us. If it had only been our ward he would have been in 2nd place! But after the race both Brad and Grandpa interrogated the "Pinewood Derby World Champion" who was there running our race. They both went home and filed away all of the tips for next year. I won't be surprised if Grandpa makes us start working on his car for next year, right now!

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